Hahn Witbier, about $2.59 a stubby or $14.50 a six pack
If you’ve travelled and enjoyed the zesty delights of Belgium’s wheat ales (‘white’ or ‘wit’ beers), or sipped Belgium’s classic Hoegaarden from your local bottle shop, you’ll appreciate this new brew from Lion Nathan Chief Brewer, Bill Taylor (pictured). Brewed from wheat as well as barley, and subtly seasoned with coriander, orange and hops, it offers a tangy, herbal and gentle alternative to mainstream barley-based Aussie lager. It has a pale lemon colour, with a slightly cloudy appearance (thanks to the wheat starch), weighs in at a full five per cent alcohol, and the use of coriander and orange along with hops gives the finish a crisp, citrusy tang rather than the bitter bite of hops.
Copyright © Chris Shanahan 2001 & 2007