Mountain Goat Organic Steam Ale 330ml $4.00
“Eat sleep drink Goat”, the label urges. And I’ll happily do the last bit, as it’s a delightful, fresh, bottle-conditioned beer. The colour’s a very pale lemon and the spiciness under the herbal hops aroma suggests wheat beer – an impression confirmed by the fine, white head and brisk, tart, irresistible palate.
Rekorderlig Premium Pear Cider 500ml $8
Our jam makers long ago realised the economies of sugar versus fruit. Dare I suggest the same about Sweden’s popular Rekorderlig cider? Perhaps I missed its charms. But try as I could, the faint but definite pear flavour struggled under the cloying sweetness. Blessed are the sweet of tooth, for sugar is cheap.
Copyright © Chris Shanahan 2012
First published 1 August 2012 in The Canberra Times