Beer review — Steinlager and Steinlager Pure

Steinlager Premium 330ml 6-pack $17.99
The original Steinlager impressed for its stunning freshness and pleasing flavours. Offsetting the malt richness is a distinctive, herbaceous hops character. This sets the keynote of the aroma and takes over again in the refreshing finish, providing both herbal flavour and satisfying bitterness.

Steinlager Pure 330ml 6-pack $17.99
The new Steinlager, like the old one, is deliciously fresh and clean with a quite full underlying malt richness. Alas, though, the apparently low-impact hops means that the malt flavour dominates and, to me, the beer simply lacks the drive and bitterness that finishes of a top-notch lager.

Copyright  © Chris Shanahan 2009